November 18, 2005


When you start falling for someone...
why do you feel like you need to unearth every possible fragment of their life before you? Why do you stop at nothing to discover their likes, dislikes, quirks, idiosyncracies, and every imaginable tendency?

Is it because you think it will help you get over them? Is it because you feel like you have to make up for lost time?

These are the questions drumming in my head tonight as I lay me down to rest.
I think I may actually like someone again...someone new and wonderful. Someone who likes me and may be able to keep liking me as they unravel me.

I don't know if my heart is ready for this again...but here I go back on the love merry-go-round. spin...spin...spin

It's all for a possibility. We go through an array of tests, temptations, and torments for a chance--just a chance at real love (whatever that means)!


Anonymous said...

I have a humble news feed for you. Love ~never~ gets easy. I am glad you are falling for someone ---very human of you--anything's better than being stagnant.

But anytime you think its gets easy-- you are cruisin' for an imminent bruisin'.

It's always hard work, it's always demanding, it always extracts "maximum effort" (WWII term) at the same time as it makes you 100% vulnerable. And that vulnerability never ends.

And there are more perils for lovers in this sex-saturated day and age than any other era previous.

Oh well. Presentiments and forebodings, will now subside. This blog anxiously awaits your romantic musings as your flirtation progresses.

p.s. Thanks to the host for personally answering me (1 post previous). Me of the irksome voice. Pests have their uses too, y'know.

Anonymous said...

GOOD. You deserve a new romantic adventure... and now you best be making the next tea!