November 12, 2005

Lights! Camera! Action!


Halloween 2005
Madhatter Special K, Fairy Karen, Nurse Me, Ditha the Kitty, and Sailor Moon Stella (visiting all the way from DC!)

This isn't exactly an action shot.
Yes, Tracey--I still hate candid shots--opting in my conventional way for warning enough to pose.

Finally, uploaded my crazy picture-taking endeavors since my mom's boyfriend bestowed upon me a shiny, silver digital camera for my birthday (can't believe it was almost a MONTH ago).

Thanks for helping me find my USB port, Tommy! (why does that sound like a euphemism?--It's not!)

Mike's been requesting "slutty" Halloween photos--I'm sorry to report that I'm pretty tame, practically a prude, for "an ex-sorority girl" (yay stereotypes!) Hooray for fighting them--that's the way to be a real-life super heroine! Glad we can do that the other 364 and 1/4 days a year that aren't a new day to fight the same prejudice(s). Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good-looking indian chick. truly no need for the self-image body-insecurity you demonstrated a few posts ago.