January 25, 2006

Google is run by Brown People!

The Google Blog leads me to believe that Google is run by brown people. Just scroll through the authors of entries, 96% Indian! I mean, we've all known that my peeps are the rabbits of the computer field--IT, programming, database managemement, engineering, um other functions! Apparently Russians are another computer crazy bunch--being the musical people group they are and math being the backbone of music as well as the binary functionality of computer tongues. I digress.

What's brown done for google lately?
A WHOLE LOT! As the google blog would lead one to believe...just about everything including imparting medical advice. The other field my Indian comrades seem to be overrunning with their academic advances.

Damn Indians...always on the path to make me look back with the accomplishments in fields of study and practice that are impressive and universally helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go brown people!