July 18, 2007

Gloom and Doom

This weather just puts a damper on my sass. I feel no pizzazz and the energy levels are dipping dangerously low.

Will not go on a gloomy tangent...no doom will befall me.


Anonymous said...

That's the spirit!

Get indignant on that weather! Indignant One!

Anonymous said...

Here's a mood boost for ya

Google the phrase "Simplify Media", go to the website, and download and install the program. It's a new freeware.

It lets you listen to your iPod Music Library (stored on your home computer) on any other computer anywhere else in the world. Nifty, neat-o, and keen!

You can also give a pal your password and THEY can listen to your home tunes if THEY have the program installed. The music plays over iTunes, so no legalities are skirted.