September 8, 2007

The Budget

D'Souza is fastidious about maintaining his finances in an ornately organized Excel spreadsheet. I was honored when I got my own tab on said spreadsheet a few months ago...

Recently we sat down and created a budget together--a budget he later threw out the window given my penchant for whining about the limitations it imposed on my lifestyle--

In creating this budget I was reminded of his frequent assurances that he was a BIG spender. However big spenders do not budget to the second decimal point. I was amazed at his versatility in squandering wealth distributed to him and saving money hard-earned by him. I suppose this is second nature to most people but I am a product of opposite world. I always had a hard time spending someone else's money and absolutely revel in extinguishing my self-created resources. While there is no guilt in my penniless proclivity there are plenty of consequences.

That said, some props must be given in my ability to save and sensibly utilize resources provided by others. It must speak to my inherent character in some meager way. Well, I certainly hope it does.

The point of this budget entry being this: I've always balanced my checkbook in my head and that's exactly why I have over-draft protection.


Anonymous said...

Your point being that you are too dumb to balance a checkbook in your head. Sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

"his frequent assurances that he was a BIG spender" Are You A Gold Diggin' Woman? Now I aint sayin you a gold digger but you got needs that he has to pay for.