August 9, 2008

Koala Vegas & Luckey Cushion

Vegas, The Koala Puppy, perched on a tree while I smile and shake my head--near E. 98th Street in Central Park. Photo courtesy of Zayan on my camera phone.

Luckey managed to sandwich himself in between all the cushions at my Mom's house to maximize his comfort while the rest of us watched TV.


Anonymous said...

Why does Lucky always look so bored/glum? Except for the one where he is romping in the park--he always looks kinda underwhelmed by it all. Oh wait--he looked chipper when he was lying on your bed too.

Just sayin. Is he a sleepy dog or what? And is his tail that long?

Sweet & Vicious said...

His tail is pretty long. I wouldn't say he's glum--but he is underwhelmed by life as we live it. I think he gets that from me. He's happy sometimes but not all the time. He's not one of those dogs that gets excited about EVERYTHING. It's pretty terrific--a real personality.