February 12, 2009

Crossroads Redux

A few short months ago, I had posted a series of options I planned to actualize on for the Fall semester--despite no longer being a student--now that the Spring semester, despite the winter weather, is upon us I'm back in that boat.

Last year, didn't turn out according to plan. While this year just kicked off, it appears to be following suit.

So far, zero interviews for grad school...which can only mean 6 rejections await me in late March. Sigh.
This means the life plan needs re-evaluation, AGAIN...I can't spend another year waiting for renewal. Boo.

Given the zero income of my research jobs at Mt. Sinai and Columbia those are amidst the famed Vicious quit. Additionally, their purpose was to boost me in the esteem of graduate school admissions council members--a failed attempt!

The test prep job is staying steady but the incoming flow isn't keeping me afloat, so I need a second job that pays more. If I was being smart, I'd quit for a full-time job, but I love working here. Being overqualified suits me, not to mention my love for the co-workers--it's a rare joy. Plus my flexible hours are unbeatable.

In the search for second jobs, I'm considering a life of tutoring. That $120K college degree has GOT to be worth some cred on the SAT circuit. So an effort is being made to actualize on another part-time flex job dream.


In other news, Ditha (my desi actress roomie circa 2003) is moving to LA in August. In the name of redux I applied to Teach for America in LA. So I can spend my 30s rooming with my 20s roomie in the city of angels. At least that's one majorly changed life course.

Another option is to find a job in San Francisco and convince Special K to move in with Luckey and I. She's already eager to break out of her lease so it wouldn't take much convincing.

The final and likely most plausible is to start up my MA in Psychoanalysis in NYC whilst continuing the test prep job in addition to a teaching post to accrue a stable income.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sweet!

Interesting post. Don't worry, it will all work out.

Remember, 'there's always a man around to pull a chair out for a soft bottom in this world' LOL

Question: But let me understand clearly: you paid $120K for an undergrad degree? o_0

What the heck?!

Opinion: don't go West Coast! Ugh, ugh, and triple-ugh.

Question: are you sticking with Lucky and giving up Vegas? Wow. That's what I read from your paragraph.

I never warmed to Vegas myself. Maybe its a combination of the name and the pooch's notorious misbehavior.
Vegas reminds me of my last GF.

Comment: I can't fathom how these panels are rejecting you. You're a go-getter! I think so anyway.

Question: Ditha sounds hot but vain. Is she single?

Question: are you back in the U.S.?

Good to see you posting again! Besides these woes, how are you, otherwise? Did you swoop down on the cricket yet? 28 vs 21, I think he will need some tutoring too, eh?

Dutch E.

p.s. I was hanging out with an indian co-worker who has the hots for me and I related some of your anecdotes. Were your ears burning?

Anonymous said...

OIC! I get it now. You ARE back in the States. Sry for the triplicate.

So, did you get everything done you wanted to accomplish over there?

Still LOL'ing at this whole grad school mess.

I remember that thread last year where you were all gung-ho about "wow-ing" the admissions members. H'mm.

And I recall even farther back when you were scrambling to arrive at work on time every morning at DuetscheBank. With your Starbux 'Venti' and breakfast sandwich in hand. And the coffee guy complimenting you on your blouse.

Same old S&V; yet it also appears as if you've come a long way from those days.

I just hope you got your jollies with the Cricketeer.