June 8, 2009

An E-mail from the Elbow Non-Toucher

Sorry I havent emailed earlier.

If you do see this moving forward, there is something you should know. I've been seeing someone for a few months, met her last fall. I'm very fond of her sweet nature, and she is extremely tolerant of all my idiosyncrasies (my non-texting policy, among other things). But she is way more invested in the relationship than I am. I've tried to be, but there is a difference in our intellectual wavelengths, and that has always nagged and prevented me from committing myself fully.

We've acknowledged this problem, and I guess we'll have to eventually break up, but what has stopped us so far is the fear of how miserable we'll be once we do. The few times we've come close to it, its been an awful feeling.

I'm really sorry if I've misled you in any way, I'm not super happy about what I'm doing, and a lot of this sounds pretty self-indulgent and arrogant. In fact, I'll probably be cringing sometime in the future about the fact that I actually sent such an email to you. But I'm pretty confused myself, and I think I need to start meeting other people to sort my feelings out.

I really liked talking to you, and would love to keep seeing you if you're still interested.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a ponce. where do you find these toolbags?