The crazy, silly song and dance routine is not limited to Bollywood. Ditha drew me into her room this afternoon between peals of laughter to show me this hysterical music video her college house-mate had sent her.
Curry-N-Rice Girl by MC Vikram and Ludakrishna, check it out on google video!
good job on the blog title re-arrangement. its clearer, more emphatic, and easier to see.
i think there is also a way to align the blog search bar in a thin zone along the top of the page.
overall the blog page is clean, well-organized, and has good color choice.
whoah! blog page is all messed up!! everything is left-justified and the title is in disarray again
sorry to be a nitpicker . . (but I think style + presentation are important to this blog's appearance, right?) dress for success!
I checked out the video. It is mildly funny, I agree.
The first two refrains are probably the best and then it starts to weaken somewhat. They needed more indian women in the background, too.
I think the greatest thing about it is that it shows a hip, clever group of indians, who clearly all possess a snappy sense of humor. A self-deprecating sense of humor, too.
Whitebread, mainstream Americans rarely get a chance to see this.
The culture strikes us (I think) as being very serious-minded. Very formal, reserved, circumspect, and standoff-ish.
But, we usually only witness the most superficial side of India: just what we can observe in indian take-out joints.
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