November 28, 2005


The hardest part of a project, 9 times out of 10, is getting started. This is especially true of writing papers/theses/dissertations/self-study projects.
Most un-structured or even deadlined sans timeline issues fall into this category of being prolonged by procrastination.

Just as I discovered deep within myself the intrinsic motivation required to be a model employee, I am left scouring my internal being for the corresponding academic component. Can't win 'em all, I suppose.

Now, if only this "beginnings being the hardest" truth only held true for relationship resuscitation! Guess we'll see...this may be a BIG week for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Relationship resuscitation" with whom? This Jaylin guy? If so, care to provide background? How fast will you let yourself be re-taken?

p.s. "sans" "sans" "sans" "sans" errrrm!!