January 25, 2006

Tracey Time

Tracey trekked in to see me last night!
Correction: Tracey came in to see Luckey last night. Photos to come...

We exchanged a bevy of gifts--I inundated her with birthday goodies and she saddled Luckey with more chew toys and chomp-able yummies than his wee mind could wrap around. I dragged her to Holy Basil in E.Vil for dinner. It's one of my favorite crannies in the city--the facade belies the exotic interior. The steps lead up to a neglected apartment building, in fact they provide a speakeasy style doorway to a rich space luxuriously decorated (yet lacking ostentation) with mirrors to create the illusion of space and Buddhist tapestries artistically draped.

Trace used to shun all foods non-Italian and non-Chinese, but I've crafted her to appreciate Thai, albeit Pad Thai. We rounded our delectable meal of spring rolls, pad thai, kang phed, and thai sweet iced tea with fried banana surrounded by green tea ice cream for dessert. Mmm...good! The ultimate treat was the cab ride home--bothered as we couldn't be by the light drizzle on our full-bodied heads.

At dinner I enumerated all the blessings life has bestowed me, but I couldn't help lament the one missing element--the man. I don't want A man....because I've done that and I'm not looking for A man--but it would be nice to meet THE man. I don't want to take that long walk down the short aisle just yet, but it saddens me to think that I haven't even MET this guy who I'm to spend the rest of my days with. Every passing day is another that I'll have to fill him in on...it's all Pre-Him. sigh. I suppose it makes the getting to know you-ness all the more delightful, but I wish we'd be past that, already. I want to have my built-in movie buddy, drinking partner, shower duet, Luckey walker, dinner companion, dream share in the living room of my life. Where is the pro to my con--the flow to my ebb--the lime to my light?

It mystifies me that we humans can never be truly happy. Or maybe it's just me, who can never savor the moment to its fullest with no care of the past or the future. Why is it so hard to be in the Here and Now?

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