I used to believe any guy I liked had a good chance of liking me back. Mind you, this is less a healthy self-confidence and more that I like men that most women wouldn't find all that attractive. However, as I get older more and more women start to like my type of guy.
Kinda dorky
Really smart
Not funny but capable of getting my jokes
Sweet and Sincere
These are the guys girls marry. It's sad because I've always gone for this guy...since I was 12 and started liking boys. Most girls went through the bad boys, the assholes, the rebels, the gangstas--not me. I stayed true to the good guy--arguably the nice guy. He never finished last with me. Yet he eludes me now--now when the dumb girls, the pretty girls, and the ready-to-marry girls have come around to him...his allegiance wavers and I'm left alone in the Land of Sweet being Vicious.
The thing is just as he is my type out of some degree of "I can't do betterness"--I'm no longer his type because now he can do better. He can finally get that cheerleader or dancer or aspiring actress--and the truth about men is they'll go for that girl every time. I mean, till she cheats on him or leaves him to pursue her career as a gymnast. I like to think that's why older guys go for me...but I'm sure any late 30something single lady will tell me that's it more the bloom on this rose than the quality of her perfume. Sigh.
I quit on white boys a long time ago. I haven't had a white boyfriend since high school and much of the reason for that is that I learned a valuable lesson, relatively early--a white guy will never get serious with this brown girl. Mind you, white guys get serious with brown girls all the time...the Ditha girls. But if a white guy is going to get serious with a girl like me, she'll be a white. It's sad and it's true and I thought I'd come to terms with it--but I haven't. Every now and again I'll meet a white guy who catches my fancy and I'll be reminded of how quickly this mocha frap would be dismissed for some white cocoa (is there such a thing?)...sniffle. Why is that?
It's funny. You talk about three carat rings, and then you show morsels of understanding -- about how you can't do better to a certain degree, and that's why you like the "nice" guy.
The truth is, you're still too young to realize that you'll be the type of woman who will say fuck all to *any* ring in a few years, as long as you can have a nice guy who will commit to you. It's downright laughable when you describe yourself as the pudgy "cute" girl, when the fact is, your face isn't very cute, either.
You're clinically obsese, and you're still in your twenties. Your arrogance is disgusting, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. I've never even met you, and yet, you disgust me.
Hmm...really, who else thinks so?
I'm eager to see who agrees to marry you? Just because you're poor don't get mad at me for establishing that no woman wants to touch your puny penis now or in the long term.
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