October 14, 2006

Where should I go?

It has long been the case that guy friends call me from a location in the city with these magical words, "I'm in ___ neighborhood (in Manhattan), looking for ___type of food under $___ on a _#_ date with ___ kinda of girl! Where should I go? What should I order?"

I was reminded of this today when Tommy asked me for a place south of 14th St. serving non-Chinese food which would be good for a second date with a girl whom he only sort of liked for dinner on Sunday evening--under $70.

Based on the following list of recommendations:
Le Souk
Osso Bucco
La Caverna
In Vino
Rosa Mexicana and Pipa were north of 14th St.

I pushed In Vino and that's where he is going--yay!

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