June 6, 2007

Finally Focused

After a year of dilly-dallying and five years of finding myself, professionally, I have finally decided to invest wholely and solely on graudate school in the form of seeking my Masters in Business Administration (MBA).

I intend to pursue a full-time endeavor dually concentrating in Communications and Media Mangement as well as Marketing while splitting my focus on electronic and international business at Fordham Business School. It sounds loftier than it is...or maybe that's just the naivete of a cartographer creating a map from a journey an explorer detailed to her--a journey she has yet to take.

While Fordham is not a top school and my school snobbery knows few bounds, I have come to see that indebting myself to the point of collections and defaulting on loans is not a way to establish myself fiscally. I'm starting their pre-MBA curriculum this fall at which point I hope to build relationships with the faculty that will secure me a 300-hour graduate assitantship my first term which will reduce my tuition by 70%. Hopefully the remaining will be covered by a scholarship I can "easily" attain given that my current GMAT score is above their acceptance range (540-670 out of 800). I intend to take the exam again to beat the 700 mark to assure myself a place in their hallowed halls of free post graduate education.

Credit repair aside, I no longer have a burning desire to be average in a lot of over-achievers given my social loafing. I'm accepting the fate of working marginally hard to shine in a lot of average folk--a real cross-section of the populance. Not to mention their New York City location will avail me significant recruiters in the publishing and e-media industries.


Anonymous said...

This is big news for Sweet & Vicious. Wow. I'm impressed that you have finally crystallized your goals. Huzzah.

But as always, I have some questions and comments.

1) MBAs (from what I have heard in the past few years) are glutting/saturating the market lately. MBA grads have been reporting that it is getting quite hard for them to get hired or meet their post-grad expectations.

This is just what I have heard. I don't want to rain on your parade because I think you're making a good decision to pursue a second degree--its crucial in this day and age to have a master's. Just curious if you have checked salary rates and projections for this field.

Which brings me to my next comment.

2)Definitely specialize in some burgeoning area of the business world. Possibilities are: the rise of overseas/outsourcing, international trade, how security affects business, intellectual property rights, etc.

I see you have chosen to focus on entertainment business/electronic media which is a very good move. Particularly the rights-management issues for digital music and movies.

3) Question: what makes you confident that you will enjoy business when you get into it? I found it very dry and unappealing, as were most science degrees I tried my hand at. The world of business may bring you among a lot of very dull, staid, drones.

4) Rhetorical question: will having a business degree (relatively commonplace in NYC) really make you feel as if you have finally "made it" in the eyes of your friends?

5) Choice of a good school for one's master's is not just snobbery, it makes really good sense. My experience has proven time and again that employers are hawk-eyed for the name of the school you attend, for your second degree, almost more than any other criteria. Something to keep in mind.

6) Student loans: not to be feared as much as some may think. They're perfectly easy to manage if you do even moderately successful upon graduation. The terms are great and they only remotely jeopardize one's credit rating even under the clumsiest handling. Just never, ever take a private loan. Always go Fed.

Ok well, that's all. I'm done.
Good luck and keep us posted.


Anonymous said...

Since you're already quite large in size, that you've decided to be the big fish in a small pond works both literally and metaphorically.

Sweet & Vicious said...

Aw. My pathetic, unimaginative, hateful reader resurfaces to comment...I was beginning to worry that Cruel but Fair had scared you away with his wit, words, and wisdom.
Glad to see you've survived and continue reading this "fat" girl's blog. Thanks,imbecile! I didn't miss your inane drivel and nincompoop comments but an idiot is easier to keep interested than a wise man--so I'd have had much to worry about at your loss.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Anon.

Anonymous said...

Curious about another point:

What is the host's grand master plan for resolving her inveterate tardiness?

In MBA land, (and the world of high finance) this can be a glaring vulnerability. . you can get easily backstabbed by a cubicle-mate over the perception that you are 'always late'. . .

Something to think about.