January 18, 2009

Cinema con Cricketeer

I'm playing up the coy angle: family shame and all that. The last thing I want to do is undo my first fling by him figuring me to be loose, albeit in the Indian context. I suppose to some extent a club kiss has already sealed my fate in that regard but I'm trying to seek out the age old "alcohol is poison" bit and rebuild myself as an, albeit, foreign Indian.

It's hard to ignore that he does think my westernization signals a lower moral bar and there is a push to go farther faster. Not that he tried anything at coffee, but we're planning a trip to the cinema. One with old-fashioned boxes=privacy for couples. I'm mostly looking forward to the experience but there is a part of me that fears the implications of agreeing to such an endeavor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woman, you rule.