October 17, 2005

10 Reasonos Unemployment Rocks!

10. Everyday is a Sunday, except that the post office and bank are conveniently open.

9. My soaps are on at times I can actually watch them.

8. No bedtime. No regretting staying up till 4am to blog, watching mindless tv, and chatting.

7. The alarm doesn't wake me. My circadian rhythms kick in around 12pm.

6. Errands are events not chores.

5. Cooking. Because I have the time and the energy.

4. Reading, not just on the subway whilst commuting but for fun in my room at 2:30pm.

3. Sleepovers on school nights, because class doesn't start till 7:20pm.

2. Getting your priorities in order is the top priority.

1. Unemployment checks--getting paid to job hunt. After all, it's a real job finding the right one.

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