October 20, 2005


I had a phone interview this afternoon with a company that hopes to launch late this Fall. The focus of this organization is to provide wealthy, singls with dates for social engagements such as galas, fundraisers and the like. No, it's not an escort service. No I won't be providing extras for a generous tip. It's just like it sounds--providing temporary, non-physical companionship for a lonely oldie or an out-of-towner so they don't feel like social pariahs. So, the do-gooder in me gets to help, the unemployed one gets $30 by the hour not including food and booze, whilst the writer within can take this rich fodder to build future stories. This silver-lined cloud is downright white! The thought that anyone would pay to date me, mystifies me a bit but not enough to de-puff my burgeoning ego. Dude...this is for real!

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