The glee of discovering something novel and remarkable sparks within us hope...above all else. Hope that there is stuff out there we like so much and its surprising surfacing in our life affirms the good in the world.
Better than discovery is rediscovery: finding joy in something you found. You discovered it to be delightful and it still delights you.
That Penn Masala mp3 you loved, but forgot existed on your hard drive all these months/years later.
The carton of indo-chinese take out you realize isn't empty.
You still like your ex, even if the love is gone--it all started with a like.
$20 in your wallet after a drunken night out when you thought you spent your last nickel on post debaucherous pizza!
Your high school best friend--that you're different and so is she, but you're still best friends.
The feeling you got the first time you spied Summer Days by Georgia O'Keefe.
The truth that your mother misses you more than you think you miss her.
Crying when Marlen thinks Nemo's dead for the third time you watch Finding Nemo--yeah, those animated films bring out the waterworks.
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