January 30, 2006

Squeezed in Fun

Of course I found a way to have a little wine and cheese at my apartment with Tommy, Gary, and Special K--got too trashed and regretted it immensely Saturday in class.

Went to dinner at MaryAnn's on the UWS with Taurean, Summer, and Rani (whom I never see because of her crazy med sked) on Saturday. Here's a picture, Summer snapped of us when we took a break from my margarita sipping to smile and wipe the goofy drink induced grins off our faces.

Enjoyed a late sunday dinner with Carrie and Jonathan (previously Kurt) at Rosa Mexicana off Union Square...scroll down to read more about that story.


Anonymous said...

that's a really good picture.
what's going on with luckey?? is your roomie still shooting her movie?

Sweet & Vicious said...

Thanks (blush!).
Luckey is great, still working on wee wee pad training--it's a long road. Ditha is still in India, though I think she flies home to TX tomorrow and should be back in my arms (ahem, the apt.) by V-day. yay!