I spent the weekend with Luckey. Yes, the entire weekend I spent cuddled up with the cutest little animal known to mankind. He's my little fluff-bucket. I think I may be confusing him on the name front by alternating between Fluff-bucket, Luckitron, and Luckey.
Much like my mother elongates my name when she's angry, I've taken to screaming "Luck-eeeeee" when enraged--namely when he nips at my toes as if they were digits solely in existence for him chomping pleasure. They most definitely ARE not!
We took our first nap together yesterday. I gently placed him on my bed, turned off the lights and proceeded to play "sleeping beauty". He bounced around a bit, then settled at my feet--a mildly disturbing place near the bed's edge before wafting off to doggie dreamland. Unwittingly I fell asleep, the idea had been to lull him into a safe sleepy place, then go about my business without him whining or following between my ankles (ripe for the kickin'). I was out-witted. But when I woke from my slumber, he sensed it and rose as well--slowly, sweetly--making his way from the great distance of my toes to my cheek...whence he proceeded to lick my nose and bite at my hair. Tsk tsk. Bad Dog!
It was also our first day of actually WATCHING tv together. Just as any beast of mine should, Luckey loves television. We sat through a marathon of Beauty & the Geek, enthralled by the geekiness and disturbed by the stupidity of the beauties. Luckey, more so than I, slipped into a sopoforic state lay prostrate beside me on the futon--limbs extended, chin to the mattress. Good dog!
I learned the hard way that breaking a dog's routine is bad news for everyone. In my interest to watch TV and Luckey's stubborness surrounding food (he won't eat if I'm not watching him and nodding my approval for every morsel he consumes), I moved his bowl from the kitchen to the vicinity of the tv--thought I was doing us both a favor. Nay. He proceeded to prance about his food, eating a 1/3 of his usual 1/4 cup and shunning my overtures to persuade him in consuming his sustenance. Dumb Dog!
Finally, I caved and smothered a healthy amount of "enervite" in his bowl--dog vitamin, described to me as "candy for the dog"--which he happily licked OFF his food without giving it so much as a nibble. Smart Dog! Dumb Owner! Foiled again.
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