February 6, 2006

The Ultimate Compliment

I was riding the bus across town to my eye doctor last week, when I was paid a high compliment I haven't come upon since college. It was around the time school's let out that I found myself commuting from the UES to Columbia Presbyterian. A young boy, couldn't have been over 15, climbed aboard at the stop following mine. He looked about sheepishly, before taking the empty seat next to me.

From the moment he sat down, I noticed an uneasiness about him. To myself I wished he wouildn't fall ill and spontaneously vomit all over me. Donned as I was in my sweetest of schoolteacher outfits--forced to wear my glasses as I was for this merry jaunt. I pushed up my glasses and turned up the sound on my iPod. Ignore him as I did, I could not overlook the squirming. He kept tugging at his jeans as if there truly were ants residing in his pants. I couldn't help look at him with concern which bolstered his discomfort. Finally, he reached INTO his jeans and adjusted, what I could only imagine to be an unwelcome erection. I couldn't BELIEVE it.

At first, I told myself I was crazy. This couldn't be....it certainly couldn't be ME. I mean, I'm cute but this boy was TINY--a toy of a boy. I would liken him to Luckey and myself to Lassie! Not that skinny white boys aren't my type, but he was just an infant. But upon purveying my competition--balding men and a couple whose combined girth filled three-quarters of the last ROW of seats at the bus's rear, I was forced to concede--it had to be me. He had no magazines which was was perusing within a textbook, he just sat beside me and squirmed. A look of relief washed over his face as we reached Broadway and disembarked. I was tempted to say something but the speed with which he shuffled away from me, stopped that gesture in its tracks.

Hmm...it was more sweet than sour, but overall the incident left a smile on my face and put a spring in my step. Still got the under 15 crowd, that was something. I've always had a firm hold on the over 51 market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You took this encounter as a compliment? Perhaps the lad was suffering from priapism, and/or you are a narcissist.