October 26, 2006


I will not write a long review for fear of misleading my readers into believing that
a> I am a film critic...I know relatively little about film.
b> I watch a lot of movies...off late, I have but by no means am I a film buff.
c> This blog is quickly turning into a rant and rave section about movies.

I laughed harder than I thought I would, this is not to affirm that it matched my, admittedly, specific and bizarre sense of humor.
There was gratuitous fat, male nudity--testes should never be shot from any angle.
Poor, sweet Pamela Anderson.
I've never seen the Ali G show, I think that was a good thing going in but not a great thing coming out.
I will never tire of watching movies in New York that were shot in New York--Times Square just doesn't get old on film.
Roadtrips rule!
Texas will forever be the butt of every joke.
Enough with the Jew jokes.
I liked the ending.
WWJD (what would Jesus do?)
Speaking in tongues is always cool and very weird.

The Regal Cinema in Brooklyn is definitely not swank--far less crowded for a free screening than any Manhattan theater--this loses a bit of the edge that watching these advanced screenings lend themselves to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so, so SO WISH I could have been there...I've engulfed every episode of AliG, have them all on DVD, and I totally spazzed out in happiness when you called to invite me to that screening. I'll have to wait for Nov.3rd along with the rest of the masses. Damn my stupid class and that presentation that could not be missed. Who did you end up going with?