I met a boy from Bombay. He's Catholic. I cite these two statements because my first crush at age 11 was on one Leighton Gomes--a Catholic boy from Bombay who was in my tennis clinic--the Portugese influence in Goa led to a sprinkling of Aryan on the subcontinent in a way that tne British never deemed us worthy of mixing their blood with ours.
FF to 2007~
Pros: This boy came to the US for his MBA and is now a consultant with Dettol. He has a lilt of a Bombay accent and all the playful Bollywood banter I grew up believing to be requisite for real romance.
He plays football, drinks Black Label on the rocks, and favors hot wings to all other food. Talk about East meets West.
Cons: He travels every week for work. He reminds me of my friend, Rahul from college, who Shiv insists I had a crush on but I NEVER did!
how did you meet him?
She met me in a Church.
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