I could not bring myself to watch this video beyond the first couple of seconds. I realized that one of the fish involved was my cousin, Sukino. Sukino and I shared rice paddies near each other growing up. We actually share a number of ancestors and became very close as we lived in such close proximity to one anoother - but we never got too close for obvious reasons.
Sukino looks a little feeble here and I understand from Sweetness personified that you are interested in testing out the theory about my species: Fighting Fish. Really, we just get territorial, and if you poke a fish enough it will eventually do a lot of things. Poor Sukino!
Anyway, I pass this video I found on YouTube along in hopes that you spare my life. I imagine that my relative Sukino is a good indication of how well I fight...I mean, I got caught didn't I? I swam from that net but came face to face with my arch nemisis Shinto. I figured the net and life in your home would be better than any plans Shinto had in store for me.
Please, don't make me defend my territory!
Let me float in this vase with the bamboo on this black ledge above the rice cooker perched precariously on the red shelf below me in your tiny kitchen; reminiscing about Sukino and I, back in the day, in the rice paddies.
Your fish,
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