March 22, 2009


Given the economy and my overwhelming desire to NOT wake up before 11am, I have decided to augment my part-time job with selling what I already have.

NO this is not going to be a post about me turning to a life of prostitution.

Though I did after MUCH deliberation rule out a green card marriage...I'm still not 100% clear on why exactly I can't go through with it, but I think it boils down to the unshake-able romantic underpinnings of what marriage means to me...despite the recent setbacks in that department.

So, I've decided to begin with purging items I own such as DVDs, CDs, books, and assorted peripheral furniture via iSold. The middle man for eBay. They have a center in Midtown, fairly close to Grand Central. So my many journeys there will commence tomorrow.

Additionally, I discovered that the Upper East Side plays host to a blood plasma center which according to my online research provides up to $35 for plateletes via apheresis--it appears that Hep B vaccinated blood is worth $60. The process takes the plasma out of your blood and returns the rest. Sounds gross, but I can live with it. The big con here is that you can't sell more than twice a week or it depletes your iron levels. But bigger still is that you cannot drink alcohol for 72 hours after donation. This means that I really can't donate more than once a week without defeating the purpose of this additional income. The whole process takes about 30 minutes.

Now I just need to find a place to consign my clothes--my non-designer garb--where is that likely to be in Manhattan? East Village, most likely, but how do I FIND the actual spot and what is the likelihood of me getting cash upfront...

I'm not clear how the iSold, consignment options can be trusted not to lie to me. Yes, they get the commission for making the actual sale for me...but how do I know they are not ripping me off for more? I would NEVER know.


Anonymous said...

I started doing the same thing on and made $345 so far... so happy :) good luck with your sales! we should get together for studying this week!!!

Anonymous said...

If you want to know if you're being ripped off; why not just monitor the sale when they put it on eBay?