November 20, 2005

He's Back!

Truece? Let By gones be by gones and go back to hanging out?
FYI here is where you can buy Blood Brothers Karmacy Album


That's the e-mail that greeted me eaerlier today!'s not a truce because we were never in a fight. I was having a less than happy drunk day and he flipped a switch, slamming the door behind him...about a month ago and we haven't talked since.

What's a girl to do?


Anonymous said...

there's a man with the name "Jaylin"?

I suggest letting him make a firmer case for re-acquainting than this. This is just . .nothing. It's trite. It sounds like he is asking you to pass the mustard, and oh, by the way, hello again.

Either he has strong feelings one way or the other. Fine, as long as he frames them as such. Whats up with this wispy, wimpy, ineffectual
half-message that answers none of your puzzlement.

I say, look askance at his pointless 'album referral' note, until he actually has something to say to you. Like, why he had the hissy fit in the first place.

Sweet & Vicious said...

Thanks, gentle reader!
The plan is to write back after thanksgiving gracious for "album referral" and a definition of truce~