November 28, 2005

theory meets practice...

The opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference.
(As I was reading for class tonight, Group Dynamics, this salient statement popped out at me. In my head, I heard it in an academically condescending, British accent)

You better check yourself, before you wreck yourself.
(This I hear in Tracey's voice with just a hint of Russian, Communist undertones: each syllable caressed by her gentle mockery.)


Anonymous said...

I would concur that love and hate are not opposites. They are parallels. Corollaries. They can operate the same way.

They move from abstract to concrete: for example you can hate a group of people abstractly, (and fiercely) but make friends with a single member of that group.

Love: you can be obsessed with becoming intimate with someone you see at a distance, but then when you finally possess them, find that you 'realize' or 'capture' them less fully, than when you were separated.

Passion and revulsion are thus both abstracts.

See TS Eliot for more speculations in this vein.

--el Cru-ello

Sweet & Vicious said...

You know Cru, you should start a blog just reacting to my blog...I'll even link to it and set up a whole segue (sp?) for you.
Wouldn't that be sweet?

Anonymous said...

It does look odd . . with just me responding. Initially, I had no idea that it would be this way. I thought more of your pals would show up by now to keep us company.

Is it getting annoying? I can try to find somewhere else to hang out.

I just hate to see these pithy, introspective comments of yours just floating in space there, with no replies except occasionally a chirp from Ali.

H'mmm what to do, what to do. . . My rock star is kicking me out, who can I be a groupie for, now?
