November 21, 2008

10 Things I Hate About Alphas

1. You break promises...over and over again.
2. Your lack of empathy.
3. Your single-mindednes, sole goal, ambition.
4. Your ability to shut off your feelings immediately and completely.
5. Your anger, built up from years of abuse, and your unwillingness to deal with it.
6. Your lack of respect for women: treating them as objects, transient to your taste.
7. Your controlling nature based on your belief that you know best.
8. Your quickness to commit and depart sans discussion because your will is law.
9. Your selfishness.
10.Your utter obliviousness to the hurt you cause and the heartbreak in your wake.

wish I'd never met you. I wish I never see you again.
I wish upon you the golden rule--someone to afflict on you the damage you have on me.
I hope you wake to a slow and awful emotional enlightenment.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Why are you still hanging out with D'Souza???

And you want to work in psychology?

Clinical research study assistant, heal thyself.

Unknown said...

I love the last line...very haunting, even to me.